maanantai 29. joulukuuta 2014

Let Me Fly feat. D-Mon

Hello again my readers all around the world. Last weekend we started to film my first music video for my upcoming Lion de la Vega solo album. Vincenzo Olavi has been surfing in Spain for last few weeks while I've finished my solo album. Now he's snowboarding in Åre, Sweden. I guess he likes sports.

My first solo music video is called "Let me fly" in english. Aki Häkkinen a.k.a. D-Mon from a metal band called Quake the Earth is singing the chorus on that song and I rap. The song is composed by me and Andy Contio, a very talented man from Lapland.

D-Mon and me after a gig in a metal bar in Oulu, #Hevimesta
D-Mon singing some beautiful ballad
Quake the earth and some wild hearts

Weather last saturday was perfect for the music video shooting. Only minus ten degrees. Just few days earlier it was more than minus 20 degrees out there. We shot the video in the forest next to my home. We also drank some booze. Ok, a lot.

Our crew for the first day of the shootings: Polar Bear, Lion de la Vega, mister Prankster, D-Mon and Steen1
Thirsty artists

The music video is going to be totally black and white, because I'm a big film noir fan and Old Hollywood fan. Saha Productions from Oulu are shooting the video. They have also done all the videos of Vincenzo Olavi's band Groupie High School. I'm starring their new video "Eyes like the Ocean Sky" that should be released any day now. While we're waiting "Let Me Fly" and "Eyes Like the Ocean Sky", here's one of the videos of Groupie High School, "Half-Price Murder, Double-Price Coke":

Groupie High School

In the "Let Me Fly" video we are indians in a forest. We do a lot of weird stuff, but I don't want to spoil the video by telling you too much. We just have to wait, haha. Anyways, the song is about freedom of a human being. The chorus goes like this:

"Let me fly, let me glide
fly high without asking no one
let me fly, let me glide
free on the sky like the angels do"

I think it's a beautiful song, but that's just my opinion. Well, actually it's an opinion of every one who have heard the song so far, but anyways. You decide. Later this winter. I was also amazed by D-Mon's singing voice because normally he likes to sing a lot more aggressively.

After shootings we drove my homeboy Steen1 to train station. He had to leave to Helsinki because Kartellen from Sweden came to see him. Kartellen are big bosses of the rap game in Sweden and talented business men as well. I was also invited to Stockholm in January 2013 to perform in same parties with Steen1 and Kartellen. However, I was not able to go. Later then.

Steen1 and Kartellen in Helsinki last sunday

Kartellen in Stockholm

They like money.

They also want Babyface free
We continue to shoot the rest of the video in January. In March me and Groupie High School go to Helsinki. Boys perform in Trash Fest VII together with Private Line from Finland, Baby Jane from Sweden, Star Mafia Boy from Spain, Fashion Bomb from the States and New Generation Super Stars from UK. Fuck yeah I'm going to do some crazy stuff there so stay tuned! We are also going to hit Stockholm and Oslo later this spring. Why not? Don't u know I'm loco?

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